版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
聯絡地址:S/4 Sidhhi Vinayak Flat , Opposite Ranchhodji temple, Saraspur Ahmedabad- 380018
To calculate band score in IELTS exam is really difficult job.
Every time you need to open book and calculate IELTS band score. This application will solve all your problems. just write down score and conver it in to band score.
IELTS Academic band converter.
Convert your IELTS listening and reading score in to band very easily. just mention your marks from 40, and get your band score.
IELTS General band converter.
Convert your IELTS listening and reading score in to band very easily. just mention your marks from 40, and get your band score.
Over all IELtS band socre calculator.
Mention your IELTS listening, reading, writing and speaking band score and get over all band score.
One application for both academic and General IELTS band score calculation.
Band score calculator. Now convert your marks in to band score easily.
Band Converter for IELTS Exam
Band Converter for IELTS Academic as well as General students